Central reporting channel
Ombudswoman of the Republic of Croatia
The report can be submitted in writing or verbally. It must contain information on the reporting person, the legal or natural person the report pertains to, and the irregularities cited in the report.
Written reports can be sent by post or submitted in person to:
Savska cesta 41/3, 10 000 Zagreb
Or email the information to info@ombudsman.hr
Use this form for written complaints.
Call 01 4851 855 or 01 4851 853 to report irregularities orally. Upon the reporting person’s express request, reports can be submitted personally at the Ombudswoman’s office in Savska cesta 41, Zagreb. The office’s designated staff must set up the meeting with the reporting person within a reasonable time frame.
Notice: Oral reports submitted via telephone will not be recorded. Instead, a transcript of the call will be made. The reporting person has the right to subsequently review the record and correct any errors as well as to confirm its accuracy by signing it.